Study rooms can be found in rooms:

  • A106, A306, A406
  • B306, B406
  • D219

Keys can be borrowed for up to 3 days in exchange for the dormitory ID.

Study room

Operation rules:

  1. Study rooms are dedicated to study purposes, any other activities are prohibited.
  2. Study room can be borrowed for up to 3 days. Rental time is counted from the time of pick up.
  3. Keep calm and be clean in the study room in order not to disturb any other studying people.
  4. It is prohibited to damage rooms or its equipment.
  5. For the whole rental time of the study room the student takes full responsibility over the room.
  6. Responsible person can allow other people the access to the study room, but is responsible for their behavior and respecting the operation rules.
  7. If there is any damage found on the equipment or the study room itself, its obligatory to report the damage at the gatehouse and write the current state into the book of faults. It is understood as a responsible person’s fault if this does not happen.
  8. There is no responsibility from The Service Facilities Administration (SUZ) over not properly stored and secured objects such as mobile phones, laptops etc.
  9. In the study rooms smoking is prohibited.
  10. In the study rooms sleepovers of people are prohibited.
  11. It is prohibited to sit on the radiator, window frames and other things not dedicated to sitting.
  12. The room has to be put in the original state and the windows need to be closed.
  13. If the Operation rules of the study rooms are broken in any way the student will get BANned from further use of study rooms for a certain time period by the dormitory leadership.